Root Canal Therapy
Modern root canal procedures provide an excellent way of saving a tooth which, in the past, would have been extracted.
Root canal treatment is needed when the pulp of the tooth becomes infected through decay or injury. The pulp lies inside the tooth, and delivers its blood supply and nutrients. If the infection is not removed, it can spread throughout the root canal system of the tooth and cause an abscess (which can be extremely painful), and can lead to damage in the bone around the tooth. Without treatment, the tooth is likely to have to be removed.
At this practice, we have John Anderson (principal) who has a Master’s degree in Endodontology (Root Canal Treatment). Since qualifying, he has attended advanced microsurgical endodontic courses in Italy, Switzerland, San Diego and most recently Seattle.
We are one of the few practices in the area who have a microscope and can carry out such specialist work.
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